Test – Join Our Club

Please Note: All membership applications are now subject to board approval.  The Waitakere Golf Club Board meets on a monthly basis to review membership applications.

To apply, please complete the information below:

Application Date: Sunday, 16th February 2025.

    Membership Options:

    Note: All pricing includes $57 of levies payable to N.Z. Golf and North Harbour Golf.

    First Name:

    Last Name:

    Mailing Address:



    Date of Birth:



    Contact Name:

    Contact Mobile:

    Contact Relationship:

    Are you currently a member or have you ever been a member of another NZ Golf Club?

    Please specify your club name:

    Please specify your membership number:

    Do you want Waitakere to be your home club?

    Terms and Conditions:

    By signing this membership application I have authorised the Waitakere Golf Club to print my name and phone number in its club programme and to post my handicap index on the NZ Golf network database.

    My signature also confirms that I have agreed to pay all fees applicable associated with my membership subscription and will be liable to pay for any late payment fees.

    As a member I am committing to uphold all definitions of etiquette and The Rules of Golf and will abide by the rules and regulations of the Waitakere Golf Club and any duly passed alterations or additions made.

    Please note that payment is not required until application has been approved.

    Additional Charges: Please note that if you are paying your fees via a periodic payment plan, there will be an additional administration fee of $50 per year charged to your account.

    Applicant's Signature: (THIS IS YOUR ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE)

    Application Date: Sunday, 16th February 2025.

    Golf Trundlers ALLOWED on course.

    Golf Carts are AVAILABLE for hire.

    Golf Course is OPEN for play.

    Golf Carts are NOT AVAILABLE for hire outside normal hours.

    Golf Carts are NOT AVAILABLE for hire, due to bad weather conditions.

    Golf Carts are NOT AVAILABLE for hire. All BOOKED OUT.

    Golf Carts are AVAILABLE for hire.

    Golf Course is CLOSED outside normal hours.

    Golf Course is CLOSED due to bad weather conditions.

    Golf Course is OPEN for play.

    Golf Course is OPEN for play.

    Golf Carts are AVAILABLE for hire.

    Not finding what you are looking for?

    Would you like us to call you?

    Please provide your details below:

    ⛔️ Please note that we require all the above information to call you back.



    Course is OPEN for play.
